
Total duration (RT): 3h
Total distance (RT): 12km
Positive elevation: 200m
Difficulty: intermediate
Guide: no

Trail by the river with multiple fordings.
Trail sometimes difficult to find, follow the cairns along the river bed.
Provide non-perishable products (coffee, sugar, starchy foods, preserves, etc.) for access rights to the valley.


Hike description

Access to the valley is controlled by the association Tipaerui Valley, which has been watching over the maintenance and preservation of the Tipaerui valley for many years. Provide non-perishable products (coffee, sugar, starchy foods, preserves, etc.) for the access rights. As part of a barter, the association will exchange fruits collected in their "Garden of Eden". Be careful to respect the valley and not to pick up any fruit on the path.

To access the hike, cross the industrial area of ​​Tipaerui until you reach a small bridge. Cross the bridge and park.

Then follow the track that goes up the river. After about 10min you should meet a member of the association in the last house on the left. Kindly present yourself and let the products you brought.

Continue on the track after passing the bamboo barrier. Go along the Tipaerui river first on wide banks, then gradually on small paths in the vegetation. Look for cairns to cross the river multiple times. About 3 km and exactly 13 fordings later, you find the fork in the river.

Go up the left branch and keep following the cairns. The GPS signal being weak there, the track is therefore very uncertain. After about 30min of walking mostly in the river bed, you finally get to the majestic Faaroa waterfall.


Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
Tipaerui valley

Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
Tipaerui river

Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
Cairn in the river

Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
River fork

Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
Arrival at the waterfall

Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
Faaroa waterfall

Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
Faaroa waterfall

Hiking trekking trek trail walk mountain waterfall valley Tipaerui Faaroa Tahiti French Polynesia
Faaroa waterfall

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